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Continuously broadcasting Gurbani 24 hours a day, seven days a week without hindrance. Ensuring that all rogrammes being broadcasted are religious, educational, supportive and delivering clear messages, whilst not being involved in any political issues.
Sukh Sagar Radio is the true pioneer of the world’s 1st 24 hour pure Gurbani channel. Since its inception in 2001 by Zorawar Singh Gakhal, Sukh Sagar Radio has been the vanguard of community empowerment by promoting cultural enlightenment and peaceful co-existence through a spiritual Gurbani channel broadcasting in the whole of UK & Europe on Sky Digital channel 0133, and live globally on the internet.
In addition, to providing an unparallel Gurbani broadcasting service, Sukh Sagar Radio annually organizes numerous philanthropic events to aid the poor and destitute in various regions of Panjab. We see equal value in all lives. And so we are dedicated to improving the quality of life around the world. We are inspired by passion, and compassion for the wellbeing of people. Our methods are based on logic, driven by rigor, results, issues, and outcomes. Our innovation means trying new things, learning from our mistakes, and consistently refining our approach. Our strategies help us define our path to success, but our effectiveness is based in the aggregate power of our initiatives to impact holistic change.